Personal loan in Noida
About Personal Loan A personal loan is money you borrow for just about any purpose, including debt consolidation, an unexpected medical bill, a new appliance, a vacation, or even a student loan. You pay the money back—including interest—in monthly installments over time, usually two to five years, Most personal loans are unsecured, meaning they are not backed by collateral The interest you pay is expressed as an annual percentage rate (APR) The average APR on a personal loan is 11.88% as of September 2019, but it can range from 6% to 36% depending on your credit worthiness, including an examination of your income, debts, and credit score . A business loan is a loan specifically intended for businesss purposes. As with all loans, it involves the creation of a debit which will be repaid with added interest. There are a number of different types of business loans, including bank loans, mezzanine financing, asset-based financing, invoice financing, microloans, business cash advanc...